關於 About

Julie Otte,音譯朱利奧特,喜歡觀察這個世界,擅長用圖像與文字記錄。  

奧特公園Julie Otte的個人品牌,這裏蒐集了Julie Otte豐富的創作。奧特公園的標誌將縮寫O和P轉化爲畫筆與鋼筆,傳達圖像與文字的連結;同時也代表園區內不同種類的樹,象徵奧特公園的多元性。

Julie Otte likes to observe the world, draw her ideas, and write down her thoughts.

Otte Park is a personal brand built by Julie Otte. You can find Julie Otte's creation in Otte Park. Its logo transforms the abbreviations "O" and "P" into a painting brush and a fountain pen, conveying the concepts of drawing connected with writing. The graphic signs can also be regarded as different kinds of trees, symbolizing the diversity in Otte Park.